7 Star Industry Limited is a leading name in sheet metal production which involves creation of different parts from metal sheets. We cover a large number of processes including everything from staking, bending, shearing, stamping and more. From tooling, drilling to counter boring and counter sinking and others are all common operations where sheet metal parts find exclusive use.
The materials which can be produced by sheet metal manufacturing at 7 Star Industry Limited includes but does not limit to Aluminum, Stainless Steel, galvanized sheet , cold rolled Steel, electro galvanized steel, Carbon Steel, tinplate, Brass, Copper, Nickel Alloys, etc.
The sheet metal equipment which you can find at this firm covers Bending machine, Punching machine, shearing machine, welding machine, riveting machine
The sheet metal manufacturing procedure finds use in a large variety of industries including everything from electrical, electronics, automobile, and telecom and plastics industries. When partnering with us you can stay affirmed that high quality and low price are things which you are bound to experience.